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Fly Fishing on the Grande Ronde River

The Grande Ronde River offers some of the most breathtaking escapism for fly fishing. This river is a trout and steelhead mecca, far away from the hustle and bustle of society. Camp in the wilderness and enjoy the flora and fauna as you and your group settle into the scenic canyon river. This 200-mile-long river flows from the Blue Mountains to the Snake River. With 44 miles of designated untouched wilderness, you can fish in complete solitude, making the perfect relaxing and divulging fly fishing experience. Some of the best areas are accessible only by boat, where the steelhead average five to six pounds and rainbow trout average 12 to 18 inches.

man holding fish

When Is the Best Time to Fish the Grande Ronde River?

We take groups out for guided tours in the late summer to early fall. In the spring, the stonefly hatch lines up perfectly to allow us excellent fly fishing with dry flies in the warmer months. The beautiful canyon is full of wildflowers to accent your tranquil fly fishing. September and early October lend the most opportune time to land the biggest rainbow trout while relaxing in the cooler air fall brings. Additionally, there are significantly fewer people on the river, allowing you opportunities to see more wildlife such as elk, otters, black bears, and more. In the late fall, October through November, we take our guided tour groups out for steelhead fishing while enjoying the colorful autumn scenery.

Years of Knowledge and Experience

We prefer to take guided trips out in the late season to avoid crowds and allow you to take in the most scenery as possible while having fun landing impressive trout. With over 30 years of experience guiding fly fishing trips, our team will make sure you’re properly-outfitted and teach you tips and tricks along the way to help you catch more and become a better fisher.

Book Your Guided Tour Today!