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About Wanderlust Fly Fishing

Wanderlust Fly Fishing has made it our goal to help educate and guide people through fly fishing trips in Washington state. For some of our guides it is a pure and enjoyable hobby that they picked up at a very young age and have honed their skills and knowledge in the time since that first fishing trip. For others, it is their livelihood. They have decided to make it a career to take the inexperienced and the pro-fishers on a trip that will allow them to see Washington like never before.

fisherman proudly holds fish while standing in the river

Wanderlust Fly Fishing Trips

The guides at Wanderlust Fly Fishing have chosen very select locations for their trips. All three include different types of terrain and fish to witness and take in. Breathtaking in their own ways, each offers a different experience.

Grande Ronde River has remote canyons that present a sense of rugged tranquility. The Hoh forest is lush and green with moss and is a rainforest wonderland. The Olympic Peninsula is one of the last remaining spots for you to catch steelhead trout runs without going up to Alaska. Call us today to book your spot in these geographical havens.

Book Your Guided Tour Today!